Scanning documents using UBUNTU OS

Today I had to immediately scan a document to send it to my relative. It came to my mind that if it is possible to do any thing with our little laptop why can't we scan a document without scanner. So I foud out few command line prompt to get the thing done. 1: first update command sudo apt update 2:Install fswebcam sudo apt install fswebcam 3: Take image fswebcam image.jpg 4: If we want to customize resolution we can do it by fswebcam -r 1280x720 --no-banner image.jpg view the image taken and stored in parent folder as image.jpg (Eye of the genome) eog image.jpg Further we can edit it in gimp the open suorce image editor gimp image.jpg The body of human being As we grow old the body gets tired and wear tear starts affecting our daily routine and work. Till the age of 67 it has never been a challenge to go about lonely, even I was confident in supporting and helping my better half in any emergencies like visiting hospitals. But now at the turn of 69th I am afraid to go out. I take a nap in between to restart conversation or to get a current job in hand done. I had completed many courses in coursera and I was confident that I can complete any course with a littele effort, but now just after one and half year I find my self not able to concentrate. The weakness is looming large and it will be interesting to see one self collapsing even before completing my promises to help out my elders.